The store will arrange for the products to be shipped to the address requested by the customer. Therefore, to avoid any obstacles to the delivery of your order, we kindly ask that you be careful when filling in the address where you wish to receive your order.
Please ensure that there will be someone at the address to receive your products. The post office makes three attempts to deliver the products. If there is no one at the address to receive the order, the package will be taken to the nearest post office to the address. In this case, it will be necessary for the recipient of the package to pick it up at the post office within 7 calendar days. If the recipient does not pick up the package, as per Correios rules, the package will be returned to the sender. In such cases, a new shipping fee will be required to return the product.
All details relating to delivery attempts, as well as the address of the post office where the recipient must pick up their package in case of absence at the address, will be recorded in the order tracking. This information can be tracked on the Correios website, using the tracking code provided by the store.
The store is not responsible for incorrect or incomplete completion of the destination address for orders placed in the store. If the address provided is incorrect or incomplete, as per Correios rules, the package will be returned to the sender, and no further delivery attempts will be made to that address.
If delivery is not completed due to an incorrect address provided by the customer, the customer will not be entitled to a refund. A new shipping fee will be required to resend the product.
After your order is processed and payment has gone through our system, the following steps are: sorting, packaging, and shipping. This process usually takes about 1 to 3 business days. You will receive the tracking code via email to the address registered with your purchase within 7 working days after processing your order.
The estimated delivery time is between 15 to 35 business days after the order is dispatched. However, factors such as delays in customs clearance, postal strikes, weather-related delivery issues, or areas with delivery restrictions may cause delays in delivery. National holidays may also add extra days to the delivery time.
The maximum guaranteed delivery period is 60 working days. If the shipping method is incorrect, the customer may be required to pick up the product at the nearest branch to their residence.
If the address is not filled in correctly, the product may be returned to the sender. We ask that you exercise extra attention when filling out the address. If there is an error in filling out the address and the product cannot be delivered, the responsibility lies with the customer.
The post office will make three delivery attempts. If they are unable to complete the delivery, the product will be available for pickup at the nearest branch for up to 7 days. After this period, the product will be returned to the sender.
All imports are subject to customs bureaucracy or taxation. If you receive any additional charges for your order, we will take responsibility.
Products are always delivered via postal service. However, in some cases, such as when the recipient is absent, in a region with limited delivery options, or other specific conditions, the customer may be required to pay extra fees. If this happens, please contact us within 48 hours, informing us of the amount paid to the post office and attaching a copy of the taxation document. We will contact you to reimburse the amounts paid.
By making a purchase on our website, the customer declares that they are aware of and agree with all the terms and conditions described above.